Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today is a momentous occasion. Today is the last day of my Spanish classes. For a final project, each student has to speak for 8 minutes on a topic of their choice (that relates to Costa Rica) and use a visual. I'm waiting for my turn--I'm second-to-last in my group, and really, I'm not nervous. I used the excuse of a visual to map out my points. I can totally do this.

I just wanted to mention something random.

When I took Spanish in the States, we are only taught two forms of second person: second person singular and second person plural, tu and ustedes. Or, you and you all. There are two other forms of you: you formal, and you friend. More or less. In Spanish, those two are the vosotros form and the vos form respectively. I was generally taught that usted or ustedes is used formally for someone older or someone you've just met, or someone you respect. The form is very informal, used for a friend or someone younger than oneself. I was taught that the vosotros form is used only in Spain, a relic of the Reina Valera period Spanish (like 'Old English', Reina Valera is 'Old Spanish'). The vos form is new to me; I never learned about it in school. It is used everywhere here in Costa Rica, and it is reserved for good friends one's age. And the verb conjugation resembles the tu form and has accents like the vosotros form. It's weird, but is sounds cool when used correctly. I want to learn! Also, here in Costa Rica, everyone uses when talking to one another, regardless of age. It's almost indecent to use the tu form unless one is angry.

Like I said, random.
When I return, I will expound on the ideas of TLC. It's long.

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