Monday, April 20, 2009

Saying Goodbye

I was able to meet up with some of our good friends from Grecia on Friday and Saturday. We went to the Jazz Café (really awesome!) and then visited a museum on Saturday.

It was so hard to say goodbye and walk away. If I could have, I would have enrolled for a year at the University of Costa Rica; this "meet-people-and-leave-them" business is taking its toll, especially with people that I could definitely consider being good friends with (P.S. When you read this, you'll know who you are!). I returned to the house in San José, and after having some soup, I claimed I was tired, went to bed around 5:30 p.m. and cried. I haven't cried like that since I came to this country, but I felt my heart breaking. Doña Isabel came into my room and told me that some friends from the youth group here in San José wanted to come and pray for me. I told her it was alright. I cried during that session too.

What is Love? The force single-handedly responsible for such close ties among strangers; for such connection. I love communication. I study communication. In my short time, I declare it is Love that causes and aids any sort of communication in this regard to studies. Love of culture; Love of difference; Love of people. Truth be told, I'm attached. I would love to live in Costa Rica. My host brother Esteban keeps telling me not to leave, because he'll miss how I laugh. Everyone else in my family tells me the house will be depressingly quiet because I won't be around to liven it up. Talk about guilt trips!

I tried packing today. Also one of the most depressing things I've done here besides cry. I actually searched the premises to find my possessions--I didn't realize I spread so much. I'm running out of space, and I'm considering leaving the family with something of mine, except that I'm such a light packer, everything I own (more or less) is something I need and use, and anything else isn't enough of me that I could leave it for sentimental value. Bother practicality!

We leave in the morning.

Please, pray not only for me and the group as we travel to Panama, but for the friends and families we're leaving behind us to do so. I won't be writing for the next week, so I wish everyone a happy week, and I thank you, Dear Readers, for reading.

Looks like this post is long enough.

1 comment:

  1. I heard that Costa Rica has the best "sonshine" in the world.
    I just try to imagine what would it be like to make friends and then leave them, how hard it should be to mantain the promise of keeping in touch with everybody.
    I was wondering.... things that are valuable in life are those that you don't get easily, right?
    So, how can you say that those ties are important if you make new ones everywhere you go?
    Every gringo (not that i'm saying that ur like every other gringo) that comes and makes the promise mentioned above, breaks it after a certain time, some last longer, some others don't.
