Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Moving on

I have started a new blog. As a college senior, it seems I am expected to be serious instead of philosophical. For now, it seems I am finished with this blog.

To you, Dear Reader, especially if you have stuck with me the entire way:

Thank you. I appreciate your prayers, well-wishes, and advice more than even I can articulate. I hope that this blog can serve you therapeutically, as you make your own journey through life. Maybe Thought-isms will be revived in the future, we'll see.

Until then, you can follow me on my "serious" blog, www.journelise.com. It won't be as flowery as this, but it will be as honest as I can make it.

Have a wonderful day, Dear Readers, and may you be blessed richly.
Yours sincerely,

Elise L. Arvidson

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